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Waddya say? Deal of the century? -- Mergers & Acquisition Award
From Marine Money, Feb/Mar 2011
In nominating Navios Maritime Acquisition for a deal of the year award, one of our favorite investment bankers wrote, "At the beginning of 2010, NNA had cash and gumption. At the end of 2010, the company had a fleet of 22 tanker vessels. Waddya say? Deal of the century?" Read more. [PDF - Click to open in new window; right click to download.]
The Means to an End -- The Mergers & Acquisition Award
From Marine Money, Feb/Mar 2010
With bank financing being the lubricant for M&A deals, one might have expected little activity in this category. On the contrary, there were, in fact, a number of important M&A transactions done in 2009. One of the largest and most interesting was the sale by TUI AG of Hapag-Lloyd AG to the Albert Ballin Consortium. Read more. [PDF - Click to open in new window; right click to download.]
Marine Money 2009 Deal of the Year Award
Marine Money 2009 Deal of the Year Award
Marine Money 2009 Deal of the Year Award
Marine Money 2009 Deal of the Year Award
Marine Money 2009 Deal of the Year Award
February 22, 2007
Navios Maritime Holdings, Inc. (NYSE-Listed NM) celebrated its transfer |
from Nasdaq to the New York Stock Exchange. In honor of the occasion, |
Chairman and CEO Angeliki Frangou rang The Opening Bell. |